What If You Could...


(without being a blubbering mess...even if you don’t know what to say)

What If You Could...


(without being a blubbering mess...even if you don’t know what to say)

Do you see other experts and heart centered entrepreneurs doing livestreams and wonder how they always know the right thing to say?


So What's Stopping Them?

  • Visibility Blocks: The fear of judgement and freezing on camera is real and it gets worse when you have no system!

  • The Wrong Topics: You don't know what to talk about or "HOW to say it" so you your ideal, heart-centered clients just SWIPE away...

  • An ALL or NOTHING mentality: Thinking you have to go live ALL the time and that you (or your house) have to be INSTA-perfect...'perfection' is actually a turn-off! 

  • ​​NO SALES: Let's face it...it's easy to burn out when you aren't getting any sales. It's hard to get leads and sales if you don't know how to format your content and make offers!

  • ​​Obsessing about LIKES and not having a real visibility strategy.  Lets face it 'LIKES' don't pay the bills and no matter how spiritual we are...hoping, wishing or smudging are not actual business strategies!

But the gurus say...
'Just go LIVE' and 'deliver VALUE'...

So you:

  • You go LIVE but you don't know how to get people to show up and you don't know if you're doing it right...

  • You share your valuable 'behind the scenes secrets' in the name of VALUE and still crickets...

You expected to get "something" out of all the effort you put into creating content. But nothing happened.

Most entrepreneurs just don't have time to waste and don't always know how to connect the dots between their LIVESTREAMS and GETTING CLIENTS!

But it doesn't have to be so hard!

You don't have to create any more random acts of content because there's a brand new way and that’s doing ONE SINGLE weekly livestream and making that Your Signature Show... 

Now, wait... before you click away and say "WHO AM I to have a show?", hear me out...

I'm going to show you how to confidently and efficiently show up in your business ONCE A WEEK to attract your ideal paying clients and stand out from the competition.

It’s just ONE LIVESTREAM per week (10-20 mins tops)...and I want to give you my secret framework that will get your ideal clients to book a call with you immediately! 

Again, all it takes is ONE simple livestream per week to do this effectively. That's it

Now You Can Learn My Signature Show Framework And Choose From 333 Curated Episode Ideas worth $297...For FREE!

Imagine feeling confident when you finish your livestream, and then taking the day off to spend more of your time enjoying the money you make with the family and friends that you love... while the leads roll in. (You know - the ones that are already  convinced that you are 'legit'?) 

How would life feel to be at ease and know that your whole world is
NOT about creating content and instead, you do your morning rituals, take the spin class that puts you in the zone-and feel organized before your actual client calls?

Imagine the feeling of popping open your calendar which is full of new discovery calls that are already primed, on board and on the pathway to saying 'YES'-all because they've been consuming your amazing "Signature show."

Imagine feeling confident when you finish your livestream,  then taking the day off to spend more of your time enjoying the money you make with the family and friends that you love... while the leads roll in. (You know - the ones that are already convinced that you are 'legit'?) 

How would life feel to be at ease and know that your whole world is NOT about creating content and instead, you do your morning rituals, take the spin class that puts you in the zone-and feel organized before your actual client calls?

Imagine the feeling of popping open your calendar which is full of new discovery calls that are already primed, on board and on the pathway to saying 'YES'-all because they've been consuming your amazing "Signature Show".

How would your ONLINE BUSINESS be different if you could:

  • Show up as the most CONFIDENT version of yourself because you know exactly what to say and what order to say things in so your content is easy to consume and stands for something

  • ​Feel genuinely fired up about your livestream (and you knew exactly how to tie in your "calls to action" without feeling icky) so you can actually make money from your "content creation efforts"

  • ​Close the sale because your ideal clients told you they love your energy and they are pretty much closed when they get on the discovery call (it's all about your 'calls to action')

  • ​Get noticed as the heart centered influencer in your niche

  • ​Treat yourself to a day of SELF love knowing, your “replay’s” are busy filling your calendar with leads  

  • ​Leave the struggle behind and step into a consistently booked solid business...it's time to embody the next version of YOU

  • ​​Show up as the most CONFIDENT version of yourself because you know exactly what to say and what order to say things in so your content is easy to consume and stands for something

  • ​​Feel genuinely fired up about your livestream (and you knew exactly how to tie in your "calls to action" without feeling icky) so you can actually make money from your "content creation efforts"

  • Close the sale because your ideal clients told you they love your energy and they are pretty much closed when they get on the discovery call 

  • ​Get noticed as the heart centered influencer in your niche

  • ​​Treat yourself to a day of SELF love knowing, your “replay’s” are busy filling your calendar with leads  (cha-ching)

  • ​​Leave the struggle behind and step into a consistently booked solid business...it's time to embody the next version of YOU

There’s a secret behind your favorite entrepreneurs and how they consistently attract raving fans while being fully booked, without spending money on ads, losing sleep, or feeling like an impostor.

It's time for you to be let in on their little secret.


This is an EXCLUSIVE FRAMEWORK, we even includes 333 heart centered, curated episode ideas you can pick from so you can MANIFEST clients & CAPTIVATE your soulmate community in less than 20 Minutes ONCE a week. For Just ONE Payment of $297 FREE!

Unlike other systems or templates you may have seen, this System  combines an editable calendar with an exclusive step-by-step framework to create a BRANDED SHOW that is truly captivating to your ideal clients.

You are given carefully curated, heart-centered topics/prompts each week, so you know what to talk about (specific topics for Business Coaches, Life Coaches, Fitness & Health Coaches, Spiritual Coaches, Mindset Coach, Financial Coaches or Relationship Coaches/Guides).

AND you also get my signature "Weekly Wisdom Organizer Worksheets" which 

include questions that capture your insight and perfectly organize your wisdom into a captivating livestream that CONVERTS (it’s so streamlined and easy)!

You deserve to have captivated, soul-mate followers and a fully booked business while LOVING the process.

 When you watch your favorite influencers, they make it look easy don't they?

That's because they figured it out!

Never again break out in hives before you do a livestream or video and no more losing sleep not knowing when another referral is coming your way.

Become the Envy of the Industry With...

  • A clear vision of exactly how to structure your livestream to captivate your ideal clients

  • ​A full understanding of how to organize Your CTA's on LIVESTREAM or VIDEO so you actually get clients from it

  • ​​Exact steps to take to embody the next influential, fabulous version of YOU

  • ​​Tools that organize your time and empower your mindset, so you can step into your power on social media

What's Included in...

You Will Learn The EXCLUSIVE Signature Show FRAMEWORK and Get Into Action With These Heart Centered Topics

333 Heart Centered Episode Ideas & Show-Stopping Headlines To Pick From

  • POWERFUL TRAINING ON HOW TO STRUCTURE YOUR BRANDED SHOW (and best practices for going live).


  • 52 CONTENT ORGANIZER WORKSHEETS so your content is easy to consume and stands for something

  • ​TRAINING ON Embodying Your Inner "show host"

This is the NEXT BEST THING to being in person with you & The Fastest Way for  People to Feel Your Energy and Increase The Know, Like and Trust Factor.

  • YOU LEARN TO ORGANIZE YOUR WISDOM AND SPEAK FROM THE HEART people see how you think and connect

  • EXPECT SALES CALLS TO FLOW WITH EASE- as in all you're doing is sharing details and collecting payment, because those leads already "get you"

No More "I Just Don't Know What to Say or Where to Start"

  • ​​RELEASE THE RESISTANCE to "starting". My clients often say, if they just knew where to start, they would. Well, here you go. 


  • 5 SECRET WAYS TO INCLUDE YOUR "CALLS TO ACTION" without feeling icky-ness or shy

Suzanne Orlando

Psychotherapist & Anxiety Coach

"I became super intentional and consistent with my videos, I began to receive more visibility, interest from prospective clients and my discovery call calendar began to blow up!"



The system to book calls directly from your show in three simple steps:

1. Show up with a CTA

2. Screening Your Applicants

3. Discovery Call

$97 Value


Five quick and easy templates you can snatch to announce that you'll be going live at a certain time (and where to promote it)

$75 Value


Learn the DO's & DON'Ts in terms of wardrobe and how to dress for your archetype! 

  • Take my archetype quiz

  • My "shop your closet" method

$47 Value


This system and spreadsheet will help you fit your show into your schedule and then some (I've had clients say this alone is priceless). 

$97 Value

MY 7 MINUTE ROUTINE TO Feel Great Before Going LIVE

Slay the nerves and pesky visibility dragons with my secret formula (this is actually PRICELESS).

 $75 Value

Using Your STORY To Build Connection

CAPTIVATE your audience with your story. I will give you my "story formula" and sample posts so you can use it effectively.  You'll pat yourself on the back for having made the decision that got you JUST THIS. 

$125 Value


Kim Mazzela

Relationship Coach & Light Docent

"I have five new high ticket clients since I started and I have also developed a ton of new contacts from my videos! I have become incredibly comfortable speaking in my videos and online in general. The first week I did it I felt sick to my stomach every time. Now I no longer even care- I feel very in command of what I teach and I truly think that people see me as an expert in my field when I talk."

Why Should You Trust Me?

  • ​I’m not just another business coach / guru with geeky “content-creating-formulas” that quite frankly... eat-up at the soul of your true wisdom and expertise. I’m an experienced sales and marketing strategist, mindset lover and someone who's learned through trial and error.  I happen to have 15 years experience and although I am extremely spiritual, I know that achieving your vision and sales goals requires a lot of real-world strategy  that you can handle as well as new success habits. I’ve been around. I've owned a wine label, a successful online membership and have coached experts in almost every industry all over the world. I will teach you how to turn your own inspiration into a captivating show that has you fully booked & KNOWN, LIKED & RESPECTED. Why? Because you have a gift. I’ve taught it over and over and over! The results my clients get speak for themselves.

  • ​I used to struggle with “doing VIDEOS” and feeling uninspired and like a frantic fraud when creating my content (so I truly know how it feels). I personally use this exact formula which is what I teach my clients to make six figures in their business and beyond. 

  • ​I’ve helped Therapists, PHD’s, Experts and Spiritual Practitioners not only make lots of money but also take back their TIME and unapologetically stand in their power while they captivate their audience with CONFIDENCE. I will hold you as powerful every step of the way because I know that YOU CAN DO IT.

  • ​I'm a good person. I live by the golden rule and as a woman of my word, I honor all of my commitments, no questions asked. I'm also from Texas with good ole' fashion manners and work ethic.  When I say this "ain't" my first rodeo and that you have to grab the bull by the horns if you want to succeed...I mean it. I'm also a boy momma of two little monkeys (Bobby & Nikky) and I am truly living my life on my terms and to the fullest.  I am here to tell you, YOU CAN TOO!


Health Coach

"After starting my online nutrition business I struggled with putting myself out there on social media. By following through with this simple system, I started making healthy cooking show and I became so comfortable and so prepared that my business has now doubled since. I am very grateful and it was so worth the investment!!

I've actually never felt so prepared. I so appreciate you pushing me and suggesting that I create my signature show because it is so powerful and so important to be organized! Thank you!!! "  

Why Should You Trust Me?

  • I’m not just another business coach / guru with geeky “content-creating-formulas” ...that quite frankly, eat-up at the soul of your true wisdom and expertise. I actually use this system with my high end clients and when creating my own stuff! This is not a copy of someone else's "secrets". I’m an experienced sales and marketing strategies, mindset lover and someone who's learned through trial and error. 

  • ​I happen to have 15 years experience and although I am extremely spiritual, I know that achieving your vision and sales goals requires a lot of real-world, left brain strategy as new success habits. 

  • ​I have worked in different industries. I've owned a wine label, a successful online membership and have coached experts in almost every industry all over the world. I will teach you how to turn your own inspiration into a captivating show that has you fully booked & KNOWN, LIKED & RESPECTED. Why? Because I’ve done it and have taught it over and over and over! The results my clients get speak for themselves.

  • ​​I used to struggle with “doing VIDEOS” and feeling uninspired and like a frantic fraud when creating my content (so I truly know how it feels).

  • ​​​​I’ve helped Therapists, PHD’s, Experts and Spiritual Practitioners not only make lots of money but also take back their TIME and unapologetically stand in their power while they captivate their audience with CONFIDENCE. I will hold you as powerful every step of the way because I know that YOU CAN DO IT.

  • ​​I live by the golden rule and as a woman of my word, I honor all of my commitments, no questions asked. I'm also just a nice girl from Texas with good ole fashion manners and work ethic - and when I say this ain't my first rodeo and that you have to grab the bull by the horns if you want to succeed...I mean it. I'm a boy momma of two little monkeys and I am truly living my life on my terms and to the fullest. I am here to tell you, YOU CAN TOO!

Hello gorgeous, Mariel here!!

I’m a visibility strategist and online business coach, boy-mom of two, a modern mystic and total poss-abilit-arian. Some of my clients call me the business alchemist.  I help spiritual entrepreneurs and success-driven experts gain confidence and a strategy to get visible, portable and profitable online so they can rock their business without getting out of their yoga pants if they don't want to.

I started my journey as a sales coach 15 years ago and have been immersed in the online marketing world for the past 7 years.  I know what works and doesn't because I have been the marketer, community builder and I've worked in many different industries.

What I'm most proud of is that I've helped hundreds of women own their brilliance, embrace PROFITABILITY and confidently build six-figure businesses so they can live their life on
their own terms.

What's my magic? I help them breakthrough their negative subconscious programming and fear of visibility, while teaching them to implement a simple but powerful sales and marketing system that helps them cash-in on their wisdom FAST.



...Just know this, you don't have to be InSTA famous or sell yourself to everyone that follows you on FB.  All you have to do is share your gifts and be willing to move from fear to love.

Isn't that what we want in the first place?

"So far I have five new high ticket clients since I started my live-streams! I have also developed a ton of new contacts. The biggest thing is, I have become incredibly comfortable speaking online in my livestreams. The first week I did it I felt sick to my stomach. Now I no longer even care-I feel very in command of what I teach and talk about and I truly think that people see me as an expert in my field when I talk."

Kim Mazzela, Relationship Coach & Light Docent

"I was able to create offers and serve my clients at higher prices and actually believe in my prices.  Very quickly I was able to sign up clients because of Mariel's systems.  She is intuitive and I highly recommend her."

Katie Wang

Dating Coach

"I worked with Mariel as a business coach and I had no idea how granular we would get. She pushes you out of your comfort zone and helps you identify your authentic strengths and then ties it to your brand message.  Lastly, Mariel is trained in SOUL. She calls this her magic.  I think it's because she teaches from a place of love and wanting to help people achieve their dreams."

Meghan Buchert

Founder of Jardin FloraL Infusions

"Getting this VISIBLE has lead to a huge increase of traffic, not just to my coaching but to my virtual law firm! People are learning about me, how I think, how I lead from the heart and this is so important to my brand and business in general!"

Ashley Molson 
Real estate Lawyer & Coach

"Working with Mariel was amazing! I was able to create a virtual version of my "Dance Alchemy" program that I could have never imagined creating without her help. Then I was able to fill my program with high end clients by doing my videos weekly!  Everything changed in my business to say the least.  The opportunities  the Universe has sent my way since I started getting visible have blown my mind.  I recently started helping other professional dancers and I literally cried tears of joy at how excited I was  to be able to do this!"  

Kristen Mangion

Dance Alchemist

Yola Barbosa

Brain Balance Center Franchise Owner

"I am an expert in kids who struggle behaviorally and socially. But I am not an expert in marketing. Mariel opened my eyes to the possibility of branding myself and my individual center – beyond what the national brand means. She showed me how to incorporate that into my social media posts.  I now have a plan and a purpose behind what I am sharing – a consistent message, illuminating what my center and my team can offer, even in the simplest posts. I never would have thought about this if it wasn’t for Mariel.  Being in her program is like instantly getting a best friend – she’s on your team, she’s in your corner, she’s invested in you and your team, and she wants you to succeed! Best decision I made since I opened my business."

Avivit Fisher


"As a new entrepreneur, I knew that I was struggling with some money blocks that prevented me from attracting the kind of clients that I wanted to have. I felt that I was stuck doing something self-sabotaging but couldn't quite put a finger on it. Taking her program and doing the exercises that Mariel created made me face my money beliefs in a way that I haven't been able to before. I was able to understand how I am standing in my own way when it comes to an abundance mindset. I've always praised myself on being frugal but I understood that this was a damaging mindset for the type of business I wanted to have.  Since I took this course, I have signed 3 new clients with confidence. I have become very comfortable naming my fees and have been getting a positive feedback about that. I am also much more comfortable about investing in my business and I get to see quicker results. Mariel is very inspiring, very practical and very quick to understand what the real challenges are.  I am really happy that I took this course because I really don't want to stand in my own way when it comes to my financial freedom."

Olga Medina

Founder - Simply You Hair 

"I want to thank Mariel for all her wisdom. I’m not the same person since I’ve known her, thank you for being able to touch each and everyone’s hearts in this program, How To Create A Badass Signature Talk is amazing and it’s helped me think of new ways to express myself, and help me find more reason to love what I do. Thank you Mariel!"

Dr. NataLiya Rusetskaya

Keys To Connection Relationship Therapist

"When I started working with Mariel, I learned for the first time in my “business life” that there could be an approach combining money and soul. I have doubled the number of couples I help by learning multiple new and exciting sales and marketing concepts for my business. These concepts include identifying my signature business archetype and using it to create my brand values, brand messaging, and I’ve deeply explored and defined my niche in my business.

Mariel was very inspiring in developing a different attitude towards my marketing and my growth in revenue."

 You’re READY To Create Your Signature Show if you are….

Passionate about your business and want to leverage your time and you are ready for things to flow with more ease.

Done making excuses like, "I'm too old, I don't have enough time, I don't know enough & who's gonna listen anyways."

Sick of scrolling through the feed watching others being more successful than you.

If you've been wondering what you're missing.

Ready to share your message from your heart and with ease.

Willing to go all in.

 The Livestream CALENDAR and System is NOT  for you if...

Deep down you know you won't follow through.

You don't believe someone will pay for your services.

You don't see the importance of sharing with authenticity.

You are not willing to grow.

You don't have a student mentality.

 You’re READY to launch your signature show if you are….

Passionate about your business and ready operate with ease.

Done making excuses to your family about when your business is going to really “take off”.

Sick of seeing others in your industry being more successful than you.

If you've been wondering what you're missing.

Ready for it to be easier.

Willing to go all in.

 This is NOT for you if...

Deep down you don’t believe you’re cut out for this business.

You are skeptical that no one will pay for your services.

You’re not an action-taker.

You are not willing to show up AND connect with authenticity.

You don't think winning the trust of your clients is important.

I’m a transformational leader and small business owner just like you. The risk you feel when deciding whether to buy a digital product or not, I GET IT. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that's not truly going to add value to your business and life.

I’m extremely proud of the products I create.  I strive to over deliver and I know anyone who buys my programs and implements the strategy will be delighted with their purchase.

That’s why I’m offering a 30-day money back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee you followers I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of this exclusive framework and the time and stress it will save you.

Of course, If you’re not happy, I will refund your money within 30 days of your purchase.

Lock in this great OFFER while you still can. It won’t last for long!

What’s standing in the way of you finally getting new clients from livestreams and reach that influencer status you need to succeed in your industry?

I know templates don't make a business. Relationships with your followers do. That's why I designed and included a training on how to build raving fans.

When you click the "Yes, I want this!" button below, you’ll be brought to the popup where you can enter in your contact information directly.

This is a special offer and will be going up in price soon. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.


What if I'm not tech-savvy?

That's EXACTLY why I've designed this calendar. You can just plug and play. It's super easy to customize.

When do I get access to the files and membership area?

You will receive an email immediately after your purchase, giving you the link to access your membership portal with all of the files and videos.


You may be wondering if this is for you. This framework is applicable to you if you are an expert and want to STAND OUT. Online experts or brick and mortar experts who want to share their expertise with authenticity...this will work for you.  The topics are totally customizable.

What if I'm more of an Instagram fan?

Perfect! If you prefer hanging out on Instagram, you can use this calendar as an inspiration for your livestreams, stories OR IGTV Episodes. 

What if I can't find the time to do my show?

Getting visible for your business is like eating healthy - you don't need an all or nothing mentality. Even if this calendar helps you go live for the first time, OR launch a weekly livestream - it will be worth the small price of $27.

What if I just need more practice?

Ok, I totally get that. Recorded and uploaded videos are GREAT practice and can STILL be used with this method. In fact I share with you an amazing app you can start with. Start there. Then you can get comfortable on camera and practice the message you have to share with the world.

How do I actually make sure I do this?

This system includes a 'Hack Your Schedule Planning Sheet'. This spreadsheet will help you fit your show into your schedule and then some (I've had clients say this is as easy as a log rolling off a log ) I've found that having a regularly scheduled time to "Go Live" keeps me accountable and then I HAVE to do it. YOU CAN DO THIS. 

What if I decide this isn't for me?

I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 30 days of purchase. No worries. BUT, I will also tell you that I'm obsessed with bringing the best product to market that I can - have a suggestion? Let me customize the product for YOUR NEEDS.

What if I just can't do it on my own?

I run a Manifestation andvisibility challenge you can join and I'll happily cheer you on, along with  other entrepreneurs who I know will just LOVE you. Whether this product is a good fit for you or not, you can always join in on the challenges OR my FREE Facebook group. You're always welcome to sit at our Modern Mystics Business Breakthrough table.

What if I need help from a professional?

You're in luck! I specialize in strategy, coaching, consulting.  I'm easily reached via email at [email protected].

Create your SHOW & get fully booked with clients.